Phonics Kits
Berenstain Bears
Interest Grades:
Kit includes:
12 book phonics set
Leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbooks
soft foam phonics cubes
sight word game

Join Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister Bear on a reading adventure with this Berenstain Bears phonics kit featuring a 12 book Berenstain Bears phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a game focused on sight words.
from Penworthy
Interest grades: PK-3
Kit includes:
12 Biscuit phonics set
leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbooks
reading rods phonics game
quick card based phonics game

Silly puppy, this kit is for readers. The Biscuit Phonics Kit features a 12 book Biscuit phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two phonics games. The first is a reading rods phonics game and a second is a quick card based phonics game. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.
from Penworthy
Fancy Nancy
Grade Interest: PK-3
Kit includes:
12 book Fancy Nancy phonics set
leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbooks
talking pen interactive phonics game
sight word game

Ooo-la-la, a Fancy Nancy Phonics kit is here featuring a 12 book Fancy Nancy phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is a interactive phonics activity featuring a talking pen to guide answers and the second is a fun game focused on sight words. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.
from Penworthy
Lego Star Wars
Interest Grade: PK - 3
Kit includes:
Phonics book set
leveled reader
wipe-off workbooks
soft foam phonics cubes
phonics dominoes

Feel the Force in this Lego Staw Wars phonics kit featuring a Lego Star Wars phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a collection of phonics dominoes allowing kids to build hundreds of words. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.
from Penworthy
Little Critter
Interest grades: Pre-K - 3
Kit includes:
12 book phonics set
leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbook
phonics card game
interactive talking pen

Work on reading with a classic in this kit featuring a 12 book Little Critter phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two activities. The first is a fun phonics card game and a second is an interactive phonics activity featuring an interactive talking pen.
from Penworthy
Paw Patrol
Grade Interest: PK-3
Kit includes:
phonics book set
leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbook
soft foam phonics cubes
sight word game

Paw Patrol is on a roll in this phonics set featuring a Paw Patrol phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a game focused on sight words.
from Penworthy
Peppa Pig
Interest Grade: Pre-K - 3
Kit includes:
phonics book set
8x8 book
wipe-off phonics workbook
reading rods phonics game
quick card based phonics game

Help your kids take to reading like a pig to a puddle with this kit featuring a Peppa Pig phonics set, Penworthy Prebound 8x8, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two phonics games. The first is a reading rods phonics game and a second is a quick card based phonics game.
from Penworthy
Interest Grades: PK-3
Kit includes:
Book: Owly The Way Home
Reading Rods Word for Word Phonics Word Building Game
Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun!
Phonics Dominoes

This phonics set comes packed with value. Kids can work through phonics lessons independently with Ace the talking, teaching dog pen, compete against themselves or others in a phonics word building game or work with blends and digraphs dominoes to grow understanding of our most commonly use consonants and word families. When the play-based learning is done, put it all together and work through a great AR 2.0 graphic novel.
Interest Grades: PK-3
Kit includes:
Pinkalicious phonics book set
leveled reader
wipe-off phonics workbooks
phonics dominoes
sight word game

This Pinkalicious themed phonics kit is Pinktastic containing a Pinkalicious phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is second is a collection of phonics dominoes allowing kids to build hundreds of words and a second is a game focused on sight words.
from Penworthy