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Phonics Kits

Berenstain Bears

Interest Grades:

Kit includes:

  • 12 book phonics set

  • Leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbooks

  • soft foam phonics cubes

  • sight word game

Join Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister Bear on a reading adventure with this Berenstain Bears phonics kit featuring a 12 book Berenstain Bears phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a game focused on sight words.

from Penworthy


Interest grades: PK-3

Kit includes:

  • 12 Biscuit phonics set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbooks

  • reading rods phonics game

  • quick card based phonics game

Silly puppy, this kit is for readers. The Biscuit Phonics Kit features a 12 book Biscuit phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two phonics games. The first is a reading rods phonics game and a second is a quick card based phonics game. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.

from Penworthy

Fancy Nancy

Grade Interest: PK-3

Kit includes:

  • 12 book Fancy Nancy phonics set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbooks

  • talking pen interactive phonics game

  • sight word game

Ooo-la-la, a Fancy Nancy Phonics kit is here featuring a 12 book Fancy Nancy phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is a interactive phonics activity featuring a talking pen to guide answers and the second is a fun game focused on sight words. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.

from Penworthy

Lego Star Wars

Interest Grade: PK - 3

Kit includes:

  • Phonics book set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off workbooks

  • soft foam phonics cubes

  • phonics dominoes

Feel the Force in this Lego Staw Wars phonics kit featuring a Lego Star Wars phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a collection of phonics dominoes allowing kids to build hundreds of words. Let Penworthy help keep learning to read fun.

from Penworthy

Little Critter

Interest grades: Pre-K - 3

Kit includes:

  • 12 book phonics set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbook

  • phonics card game

  • interactive talking pen

Work on reading with a classic in this kit featuring a 12 book Little Critter phonics set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two activities. The first is a fun phonics card game and a second is an interactive phonics activity featuring an interactive talking pen.

from Penworthy

Paw Patrol

Grade Interest: PK-3

Kit includes:

  • phonics book set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbook

  • soft foam phonics cubes

  • sight word game

Paw Patrol is on a roll in this phonics set featuring a Paw Patrol phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two activities. The first is three sets of soft foam phonics cubes and a second is a game focused on sight words.

from Penworthy

Peppa Pig

Interest Grade: Pre-K - 3

Kit includes:

  • phonics book set

  • 8x8 book

  • wipe-off phonics workbook

  • reading rods phonics game

  • quick card based phonics game

Help your kids take to reading like a pig to a puddle with this kit featuring a Peppa Pig phonics set, Penworthy Prebound 8x8, Wipe-Off phonics workbook and two phonics games. The first is a reading rods phonics game and a second is a quick card based phonics game.

from Penworthy


Interest Grades: PK-3

Kit includes:

  • Book: Owly The Way Home

  • Reading Rods Word for Word Phonics Word Building Game

  • Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun!

  • Phonics Dominoes


This phonics set comes packed with value. Kids can work through phonics lessons independently with Ace the talking, teaching dog pen, compete against themselves or others in a phonics word building game or work with blends and digraphs dominoes to grow understanding of our most commonly use consonants and word families. When the play-based learning is done, put it all together and work through a great AR 2.0 graphic novel.


Interest Grades: PK-3

Kit includes:

  • Pinkalicious phonics book set

  • leveled reader

  • wipe-off phonics workbooks

  • phonics dominoes

  • sight word game

This Pinkalicious themed phonics kit is Pinktastic containing a Pinkalicious phonics book set, Penworthy Prebound leveled reader, Wipe-Off phonics workbooks and two activities. The first is second is a collection of phonics dominoes allowing kids to build hundreds of words and a second is a game focused on sight words.

from Penworthy

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